Monday, April 18, 2011

18 Apr 11 China day 4

7 am Beijing local.

Out of bed again in into the shower. Man, I don't think they really even understand the concept of a hot shower! Breakfast delivered again. Wonton noodle soap and some other... stuff. I'm sooo gonna get spoiled on this style of living.

9 am

Down to business. Decided to put off all the running around that was suppose to go down today and decided to go to Mr. Wongs company to day to have a look around. He own a website based in china called Unless you can read and write Chinese, it's prolly pointless to go check it out. His website specializes in fine art, antiques, and various other things. Some of the talk I was involved in is the possibility of starting a website in the US much like what he already has. And what he already has has made him very wealthy. So I've been asked if I would be willing to be a buyer for his company in antiques and other stuff that is in demand in china, and to possibly help him get his stateside operation off the ground. Also if I'd be interested in being a manager of artists since I am one and I understand them and can connect with them. Sounds good to me, maybe I'll learn how to better promote my own work. So it was basically a full day of talking business and stuff at his office... Which I was actually surprised to learn that he actually hadn't set foot in his company in over a year. He doesn't have too, he's got a CEO in place and has things set up where he doesn't need to be there. Video conferencing and stuff is all he needs to do. Anyway, next order of business is for me to meet with some of the "masters" his company represents to see if there might be one I can learn from. Apparently, I only need a little guidance in my work to really be able to capture the life of my subject in my work. This is the whole reason why my trip is open ended. If I find someone who can teach me what I need to learn, I'll be staying in Beijing for however long I need to be here.

So, I guess we were suppose to go to shanghai or something via the bullet train, but it appears mr. Wong was misinformed or something cause the train isn't finished yet, so I guess that's out the window. Would have been nice to check out a super conductor train. Think I heard Terracotta warriors today somewhere... That would be cool!

6 pm

Food! Chinese hot pot! Went to a place that specializes in hot pot. According to this big sign... Thing... The Restaraunt was founded in 1903... And is now on the fifth floor of a gianormous mall. Progress I guess. It was soooo good, I think I over ate. Huge case of food comma.

Nice place! --->

<---Now THIS is a hot pot!

And THIS is a GIANT hot pot! --->

Parting shots:

They were selling these crickets at the mall next to the elevator. Crickets are suppose to be good luck in the Chinese culture. These things are huge! Their like 2 inches long! "That's not a cricket! It's a HORSE"

These... Condos, I guess they are, are everywhere in Beijing, slight variance in outside look, but the basic structures are the same. Most economical way to house so many ppl I guess. Mr. Wong said that building codes are almost non existent here. Luckily, the only natural disaster that happens here are small earthquakes. He said that if a six pointer hit here, more then half the city would probably die.

Off to bed, too tired, can't... Keep... Eyes.... Open...

It's good to be the King =)

1 comment:

  1. Uggghhh Uncle Dave! The FOOD posts.. :( Even the crickets look delicious. I can eat them, and you can rub my belly for good luck. :)

    Definitely excited about your business opportunities! Mr. Wong sounds like a G.
